

Winter free

Unfortunately, opening hours are canceled today due to the weather. Winter greetings, your RADikatis

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Problems with the electrics

Hello and a happy new year to you all. Unfortunately, the planned opening time has to be canceled today due to problems with the electrical system. These are expected to be resolved next week. best regards

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Last opening time 2023

Hello, tomorrow on 21.12 we will be open one last time this year. After that, the Radikate will also take a short winter break and will be back for you on January 11. Happy New Year & have a good trip ✨

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fLINTA preparation meeting 💜

There is a FLINTA* bicycle wrenching group. We will meet in January from 09.01.2024 on Tuesdays from 5 to 7 pm in the Radikate to get to know each other & the workshop and to prepare the FLINTA* opening hours. If you would like to join us - welcome!

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Thursday remains closed

Hello, unfortunately our doors will be closed this Thursday because we need the time to organize ourselves internally. In the coming week you will have the last chance to come by for the last time this year to screw. Best regards, your RADikatis

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